Faqs & Faux Pas

We truly try our best to make sure that all our patterns are completely correct before going to print. Unfortunately, sometimes our best is not good enough, and we apologize for the frustration and inconvenience any errors have caused you. We are always working on this page, so please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions or concerns.


Faux Pas:
Page 2, Back.
Begin Yoke should read: Begin yoke pattern over center 67 sts., working 1 edge st. on each side in stockinette st. Work even as established until yoke measures 43/4″ from armhole shaping; end having worked row 5 of yoke pattern.



Faux Pas:
Some copies of BB210 Curlicue Coverlet have 2 rows missing in the instructions.
They are as follows:

Section Two: Row 102: Repeat row 58

Section Five: Row 104 (wrong side): K57, picking up wraps.
Section Five ends with 57 sts. on the needles, 26 sts. on a holder at inside edge.

Tweeque: Page 2, Section 5.
After Row 4, the instructions read: Repeat rows 1 – 4 12 times more.
I have added a note: Work the 12th repeat of row 3 as follows: K58, picking up wraps, turn.

FAQ: What do I do with the last 2 sts. at the end of Row 1? Do I knit them?
Not yet. The coverlet is knit almost entirely with a technique called short rows (sometimes called partial knitting). You do not knit all the way to the end of the row – you stop before the end, turn your work around, and work back in the other direction. To avoid a hole where you turn your work around, you need to ‘wrap’ the last st. that you’re leaving on the left-hand needle.
SFB and SBB are abbreviations of mine. Slip (the next st.), (bring your yarn) Forward, (slip the st.) Back is how you wrap the stitch on the knit side; Slip (the next st.), (put your yarn) Back, (slip the st.) Back is how you wrap the stitch on the purl side.



Faux Pas:
Page 2, Back.
Shape Armhole instructions should read: Shape Armhole: Bind off 5 (6, 5) sts. at the beginning of the next 2 rows. [46 (50, 58) sts.]



Faux Pas:
Page 4 (back page), Chunky Weight Yarn instructions.
Begin Center Pattern, row 5 should read: Row 5: Sl1, k3, etc.



Faux Pas:
Page 3: Right Front
First Decrease Row should read: Rsf, work 13 (13, 14, 14) sts., etc.
Second Decrease Row should read: Rsf, work 12 (13, 13, 14) sts., etc.
Third Decrease Row should read: Rsf, work 12 (12, 13, 13) sts., etc.

Page 3: Shape Sleeve
Last sentence should read: Repeat rows 1 – 4 until piece measures 1” from beginning of sleeve shaping, ending having worked a wrong-side row.

Page 4: Right Front
First Decrease Row should read: Rsf, work 11 (11, 12, 12) sts., etc.
Second Decrease Row should read: Rsf, work 10 (11, 11, 12) sts., etc.
Third Decrease Row should read: Rsf, work 10 (10, 11, 11) sts., etc.

Page 5: Shape Sleeve
Last sentence should read: Repeat rows 1 – 4 until piece measures 1” from beginning of sleeve shaping, ending having worked a wrong-side row.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][vc_column width=”1/2″][vc_column_text]


Faq: My bottom edge is curling! What should I do?
Some yarns will curl when worked in the slip stitch rib. You can substitute 1×1 (knit/purl) ribbing for the slip stitch rib. If you’re way past that, thread some elastic through every 3rd st. or so on the wrong side – 2 rows around should do the trick.



See EK 706 Bistro Shirt.



Faux pas:
Page 4, Finishing.
Instructions should read:
Seam back pieces together at center back.
Seam shoulders.
Set in sleeves and sew side and sleeve seams.
Strike the instruction ‘Set in sleeves and sew side seams’ after Front Band instructions.



Faux Pas:
Page 2, bottom of left column.
The numerals 13 should read: Row 9.



Faux Pas:
Page 2, Chart A: Back.
On some pdf versions, the lines that indicate the 31-st. repeat are missing. The repeat begins on the 6th st. from size 50 on the right side and ends on the 3rd st. before size 54. I will be happy to send you a new chart – just email me.



Faux Pas:
Page 2, Work Body decrease row.
The instructions should read: Right side facing, knit to marker, slip marker, ssk, knit to 2 sts. before second marker, k2tog, slip marker, knit to end of row.

Faux Pas:
The instructions on page 4 for the attached I-cord are not complete.
Steps 1-6 are correct.
7. Slip the 2 sts. from the right-hand needle back to the left-hand needle.
Repeat steps 6 & 7 to the end of the row of picked-up sts.
(Instead of Repeat steps 4 – 6)



Faux Pas:
Page 6 – Sleeves
After chaining 65 with the smaller size hook, change to the larger size hook and proceed as written.

Faq: What’s with these sleeve instructions?
The sleeves are worked sideways. You begin by making a chain for the entire length of the sleeve, but you’ll be working down the chain in increments of 8 sts.:

Foundation Row: This uses the first 8 sts. of the beginning chain.
Row 1: Here you are working back on the first 8 sts.
Row 2: Here you are working the first 8 sts. in pattern, then working along the next 8 sts. of the beginning chain.
Repeat rows 1 & 2 8 times more. – each repeat of rows 1 & 2 will bring you 8 sts. further down the beginning chain.



Faux Pas:
Page 3 – Repeat after Row 57
This instruction should read Repeat rows 52 – 57 4 more times.



Faux Pas:
Page 2 – Shape Left Front Neck
Rows 3 and 7 should read as follows:.
Knit to last 5 sts., k2tog, yo, k2tog, k1.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]